Zimchem Refiners (Pvt) Limited is a wholly owned Zimbabwean chemical manufacturing
company located in the Midlands town of Redcliff. The refinery was initially put to process Crude Benzole and
Crude Tar to manufacture a wide range of high value products which include Road Tars, Pitch,
Coal Tar Fuels (Heavy Furnace Fuels), Creosote (a wood preservative and snake repellant), and
industrial solvents such as Benzene, Toluene, Xylene and Naphthas.
Most of these solvents are
further processed or are used to make a wide range of industrial chemicals / products and detergents
such as Thinners, Contact Adhesives and Agrochemicals, Hand cleaners, Floor Cleaners,
Disinfectants etc.
Zimchem was designed to process 48 000 tonnes per annum of crude tar, and 12
000 tonnes per annum of crude benzol.
Our History
The company was formed in 1989 and the refinery was commissioned in 1993 to primarily refine coke ovens by-products, crude benzol and crude tar, to manufacture a wide range of high value products.
Location and Site
Zimchem Refiners is located in the town of Redcliff, based in the Midlands Province about seventeen kilometers south of the city of Kwekwe.
The plant refinery is located inside the Ziscosteel Company premises.